
Author: Vanessa

 Dried Flowers: The art of pressing Some pansies that I had put in my flower press about 5 weeks ago got taken out today. I was pretty happy with the results.     I've put in some small blue and purple flower heads that I picked up on a...

2017 bookings for summer camps will be opening within the next  month or two – stay tuned by joining the Mailing List The Craft Corner 2016 Letting imagination take hold If you are looking for something different in a camp this summer then The Craft Corner has what you...

Tutorial: How to make a string tie envelope Time: 15 -20 minutes Materials awl (any pointed object, a large needle would do) compass bone folder embroidery thread brads Double sided tape or glue stick Craft Knife or scissors coloured card lining paper (optional) Your FREE CRAFTY TEMPLATE   1. Print your free crafty template. Cut out envelope template from...

Time: less than 20 minutes Materials hot glue gun Craft Knife or scissors scraps of ribbon. I used the ribbon that had wrapped up my Easter eggs and a box of chocs. Pencils Feathers, real or artificial. I used artificial for the bright green colour. Iron. scrap of material to cover ribbon so...