14 Jan Getting Organised: Childrens Toys
Homes are messy places, let’s face it, they never quite look like they do in those magazine spreads and there always seems to be more ‘things’ then there are places to put them. Now introduce children into the mix and well, we collect even more things. Children’s toys mount up and no matter how many boxes you stuff away in the attic or charity shop runs you make it can be hard to stay on top of things.
With this in mind I have put together my top tips on keeping organised without turning your house into a museum and with the least hassle possible. Today’s post will concentrate on children’s toys.
Tidy Tip #1 Tidy on the Go
This is a system that doesn’t just apply to kids toys. You can adapt the basic principle to your needs.
We don’t always have a whole bunch of time to get things tidied up, or to be running up and down the stairs (especially if we have small ones running around). You pick something up that belongs in x’s bedroom but manage to put it down and forget about. With this system you tidy on the go. On your stairs, or at a central place in your house/apartment have a series of baskets, buckets or whatever container works for you. You can make them as pretty as you like once they are labelled. In the photo below they each have a name on them so the items belonging to that person go in that bucket. Simple. Everyone can do it and then that person takes their bucket and puts those things away.
You can also adapt it to say – donate to charity shop, recycling, for bathroom etc. You get the idea.
Tidy Tip #2: Re purpose
You don’t have to spend big bucks to create clever storage spaces. Below, a shoe storage rack (which you always find for sale in charity shops) has been re-purposed as a doll’s storage space. It could also store action figures or lego projects. And the best part is that children can personalise it as they want. Give a child a sense of ownership over something and they will take care of it.
Or collect old toilet rolls (one of my favourite crafting materials) and make a fun upcycled toy storage area. A great way to put away kids cars for example and still have them on display. You could also get larger cardboard tubes from carpet shops, just ask if they have any spare rolls hanging around and then cut to the sizes you want.
I also found this tutorial over on the lovely Griffiths Garden blog showing you how to make this fantastic storage cage for your child’s teddy bears. The ‘bars’ can be pulled aside to let someone out of jail!
Tidy Tip #3: Make it easy, keep it close.
Make tidying up easy. Nobody likes to do chores. Even the word ‘chore’ sounds horrible. So make it easy, as with Tidy Tip #1, have a space to put things easily on hand. Have a space for your childs toys in your living room, create a small space for them in the kitchen. Again, it’s about giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility over a space. Creating a consistent space that is there’s. If you are feeling extra crafty you could make a storage container like the one below, made from old tyres. It can double up as a foot stool.
Or spaces under a window seat or bench area with pictures (again get your kids to draw them) telling children what’s in each one
I hope you found this post helpful on getting your house back to being a home and not a kids play ground. Remember, a home is not meant to be a museum or look like a magazine spread but using these three tidy tips I hope you can get back to being able to see your floor again!
Until next time
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